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Monday, July 18, 2011

CP - Figure him out!

I have decided to just let this blog grow like my Club Penguin Blog. Ok, so with that out of the way, I have decided to have a contest on this character's name! All you need to do is guess his name correctly! (No, I do not draw super hero's in my spare time, this came to me while I watched a video on Youtube)

Hint: His name has NOTHING to do with Club Penguin!

Hint #2: Look at his outfit for clues...


  1. Hey can I be an author here? I would make the site look really cool and I won't post too often so you can post. I could also make graphics for the site.

  2. Awesome Feey1! You are welcome to join because I need help making this AWESOME!! Oh and btw... you... guessed wrong on his name. But look at his outfit and the secret will be revealed! So I am sending you a request now!

  3. Hey Feey1! Is the Feey1 that Follows this Site you? Because the description is slightly different and the picture is of a snail. Please confirm or deny this. Thanks!

  4. Yes that Feey1 is me. That's my Google Profile image.

  5. I changed the blog's background in the Template Designer. If you don't like it there are tons of other backgrounds available there!

  6. Hey can I join your blog because I am really really good at making a blog look cool. If so send a request to And one more question are you going to post regularly?


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