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Thursday, July 21, 2011

I am NOT in full control of this site!

Hi, this message is really for Feey1 only. I read the comments and noticed that you said that I have full control over this blog. That isn't true. If someone asks if they can join the blog, just send me an email at saying that they want to join, I will give you a green light and you can ask them. And you, Feey1 have a lot of power over this blog, it's just that you're polite and consider that I am part of this too. That is a good thing in my opinion. Oh, and the reason I haven't been on lately is because there is the Adventure Party on CP and I had to help my mom out with tidying up my house for when my cousins come over tomorrow. So from tomorrow at 6:00 Eastern Standard Time to Monday, I probably won't have very much time to use a computer because my parents have a whole list of things planned for my cousins and I.


  1. I understand. I let you make major choices. Sorry for the incident, and waddle on!

  2. No apology required. It was my mistake to forget to tell you that.


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