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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hey guys, Feey1 here. I've decided to quit Super Snail Games.
It was fun at first, but it just got really boring. We don't do anything, plus I quit Scratch too. I found other things to do on The CP Adventure Blog, and the Club Penguin Fanon Wiki.
This also means I will delete the Weebly website.
So goodbye, Super Snail Games.


  1. Awww... Well, I think I've quit too. I'm still keeping the blog up though

  2. Yeah I am quiting to. Puffguy3 I think you should delete the site so no one can copy our idea.
    Yeah Goodbye Super Snail Games it was fun at the start. I think it has failed.

  3. I'm still gonna keep it up just in case I want to go back to it.


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